HRV-Guided Training

Hi guys,

I’m trying to enter this HRV world but I’m still lost.
Too many conflicted info and the need to be a code/computer savvy person is making it more difficult.
I hope to get some user friendly advise from people here.
I’ve been reading On Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and readiness | by Marco Altini | Jul, 2021 | Medium and @Alan_Couzens on Twitter that appear to be two mais points of reference.
It appears apps “readiness” are useless and the only really valid HRV measures are from Oura at night and morning readings so I ask why would we need Garmin devices to record HRV on rides/activity?
Appreciate any help.


HRV data during exercise can theoretically help you find VT1. This is a different use-case to using night time HRV or waking HRV to help gauge need for recovery and so on. There is more info here:


Ok about vt1.
But what about training recommendations?


HRV can indicate the state of your autonomous system, the brake down of your sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. Which in turn can indicate your ‘readiness’ to absorb a training load.
In short HRV does not give your a training recommendation in terms of what to do but it can help guide how well your body will cope with different intensity levels. This side of HRV is the one that is best taken at times of rest when there are no other factors that could influence your HRV

I known what it is but I’m looking for a user friendly recommendation a not having to code all those variables and process for a result.
Look the terminology: sDNN, rMSSD etc … kkk

Seems like the Edge 1000 might collect HRV data (once you’ve used that fit file to change the settings). I just did a test record and it shows up as a data item here…

However, can’t see any HRV related options appearing for that activity on so I don’t know if it made it up to Strava properly or not.

Intervals isn’t doing anything yet with the HRV data from an activity, but it is saved and you can download from the activity interval data page - streams csv button.
I don’t think Strava passes the data though. When synched from Garmin Connect, the data is there.
HRV during exercise is still in very early development phase, so it’s difficult now to get something meaningfull from the data without a lot of background knowledge. You can use the download from Intervals and let it replay in FatMaxxer to get your DFA-a1 curve for the entire workout. Thus if you planned an enedurance ride, you can check in FatMaxxer if your DFA-a1 was around 0.75, which represents VT1 intensity. This same functionality will likely become available in Intervals when David finds the time for it. It’s not a priority now given the fact that it is still in development.

Regarding morning HRV, I’m working on something similar as HRV4Training app but in an Excell file. No idea when it will become usefull, but I plan to share it when it does.
Readiness is one single number made up from all the different HRV parameters and is intended to make it more user friendly. But there is a lot to take into account before you can make a training recommendation. Your daily RMSSD and 7d baseline in reference to your normal values; the trend of the baseline; the coefficient of variation; your resting HR and the trend of it …


Thanks, that’s the bit I was looking for.

Any idea what to press in FatMaxxer to do that? Can’t see much in the way of buttons etc!

You need to subscribe as a Tester and activate Developper mode for that function to become available. “Import and replay RR log” from the menu top right. Goto the Github page and anounce as a tester.
You may need to slightly modify the csv file from Intervals. It should only contain Timestamps with the RR interval.

I downloaded the beta version (and joined as a tester), but I’m not seeing anything in the menu beyond “Quit” and “Search for Polar devices”. Odd.

No matter, was only interested on an academic level.

Did you enable Developper mode in the settings at the bottom of the startpage?

Has someone used HRV4 app with iPhone camera?


Ahh, it’s a scrolling panel. Thanks, I could only see one option there and there was nothing to indicate it moved!

Sorted now.

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Yeah I use it every morning that way to measure my daily hrv. Too lazy to put on my polar h10. Seems to work fine.

Sorry, only just seen this. Yes he already knows, told him via Twitter.

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The read-me file on Github explains what you are looking for I believe.

It seems to me the current primary use is having the live DFA alpha1 value on the screen to know that when you want to be in the “aerobic” zone you actually are.

I recently found another use (maybe). I was ill for 3 days and my first rides back were very easy using Fatmaxxer and it was very clear that my power at which I stayed above 0.75 was hugely reduced. I guess there’s the possibility that without this I may have worked too hard and my autonomic systems weren’t ready for it.

Now, nearly 2 weeks later my “above 0.75” power seems to have reverted to what it was pre illness.


So you measure hrv during workouts only??/

After a nice vacation it was the day to get back on the bike :wink: and it was also the day to test the Fatmaxxer application together with a Polar H10 band, and the result was this, honestly I can’t understand these values ​​eheheheh

@Joao_Samora What is it that you don’t understand?

  • Workout means you are doing a measurement while working out. It can also change to Light if doing very light or no intensity. It is a toggle based on HR.
  • Obviously the timer, duration of your measurement
  • The battery status of your H10
  • Instant HR
  • DFA-a1 value for the last 120 sec
  • The RMSSD value of the last 120 sec
  • Status line displaying the number of artefacts and samples from the last 120 sec, the percentage of artefacts referred to the number of samples and the artefact treshold setting used. On low HR this will display 0.25
  • The chart: red line is HR, Green is dfa-a1. Yellow and dark red line are the tresholds 0.75 for VT1 and 0.5 for VT2. Purple line is artefacts percentage.

The fact that you have timer and DFA-a1 value split on 2 lines is caused by a screen setting on the phone. Larger Text or larger icons or something similar. Set screen settings for the phone to default and it will display correctly.
Check dfa-a1 value and chart during your ride. If your target is an endurance ride, keep dfa-a1 above 0.75 which corresponds to your VT1.