HRV-Guided Training

Me too :joy:


Unfortunately the app keeps crashing on my phone :frowning:

And on my secondary phone too :cry: after 2-3 seconds the app just gets closed on both phones, so I can´t test it :frowning:

Raise an issue on the GitHub page and include the Debug Log. Start the app and immediately go to the top right menu - Export Debug log.
Which Chest strap are you using? I read on Twitter that the H7 still has a problem.
I (too :grinning:) have bought a H10 and have pretty good results on my Sony Xperia Android.
Did an endurance ride of 2hr yesterday, with Fatmaxxer running permanently. Tried to keep my dfa around 0.8 and confirmed afterwards by analysis with the colab page. My AeT comes out at 135bpm, which is about what I expected.
Will try it on a longer endurance run tomorrow to check if it is equally usable for running.


I have the same problem :thinking::thinking::thinking:

The app don´t do anything and after 3 seconds crash and close

I found that setting the preferred device seemed to stop Fatmaxxer from crashing for me (Polar H10).

How can I make this configuration, this because the application doesn’t let me do anything since it closes for less than 3 seconds

Things to try/check:

  • Make sure you have the latest APK
  • Don’t forget to allow location services. BLE discovery needs location
  • Start the app and immediately go to the menu in the top right corner. Try Search Polar devices or export the debug log and send it to the developper.

The problem is that I can’t do anything, I don’t even have time to touch the screen.

Did you check point 2, location services?
Hold the Fatmaxxer icon and go to app info - permissions. Location should be active.

Crashes within a few seconds of opening on Android 11 Samsung S20FE unfortunately. A message pops up to share the app to nearby devices too.

Just installed latest apk and it keeps running on my Sony Xperia Z2 without problems.
Can’t respond on github because my account got flagged for no apparent reason.

I activated all the permissions, and everything is ok, I already installed the latest version and it remains the same.
In my case with Samsung A52 and Huawei Mate 20 Pro

I couldn’t even save a debug log but maybe have managed by enabling developer options so will upload that zip to GitHub.

The same here, all permissions done (location, but also write to the storage) and nothing changes, app crashes without any possibility to interact in any way and I get a message that something tries to share like @Simon_Fearby has…

A real pitty :cry: Hope that it will be sorted out…

I am on 2 different Samsung phones, S20+ and A41 and both the same problem

There is a new version now and seems to load ok - will need to see how it works with a HR strap now.

Ha! I changed my phone to developer mode as you suggested, reinstalled and now it works, yahoooo! :star_struck:
So I will try to pair H10 this evening, fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Besides…anyone knows if there is going to be Garmin IQ app to show live Alpha on the Garmin unit instead of the phone screen?

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Very good idea :top::top::top::top:

Newest verson is not auto-starting the recording. You should have time to “Search for Polar Device” unless the app already crashes on something else.
For now you can enable “Notifications” to get the output on your garmin device. It acts the same way as an incoming phone call/text message. Not ideal, but it’s a start. The notifications are quite intrusive on the Garmin because they take up about 25% of the screen hiding your usual information partly.
Another possibility is to connect EarPods to your phone and set the Audio notifications. Every update of alpha 1 will be spoken out.
I already suggested to make the app act as a BLE sensor, which ten could be seen by the Garmin head unit. But browsing the CIQ SDK documentation showed that this would only work if a CIQ app was developped. As far as I understand, a datafield can’t get access to a BLE sensor directly, while a CIQ app can. There is a generic ANT+ channel on the Garmin that could do this, but there are not a lot of phones with ANT+ connection.


I believe these types of DFA1 calculations take a bit of processing power that is beyond Monkey C (the garmin app/data field code language) at the moment.