HR workout drag/drop adds extra time

I have workout like this. Total time is 1h22m. When I drag it holding ALT and create a copy it shows totally different length. If I click edit, edit nothing, then save, time is correct. Same thing happens if I drag it to Library folder, or from Folder to Calendar.

Actually all HR based workouts with 2 or more repeats gain additional 20-150min time after drag to another place. Same workout structures with Power targets work correctly.


  • 9m z2 HR
  • 1m z4 HR
  • 2m z2 HR
  • 1m z5 HR
  • 1m z2 HR
  • Press lap 1m Z2 HR

Repeat 4x

  • 30s max piepūle z6-z7 HR
  • 15s atpūta z2 HR
    -5m atpūta z1 HR

Repeat 4x

  • 30s max piepūle z6-z7 HR
  • 15s atpūta z2 HR
    -5m atpūta z1 HR

Repeat 4x

  • 30s max piepūle z6-z7 HR
  • 15s atpūta z2 HR
    -5m atpūta z1 HR

Repeat 4x

  • 30s max piepūle z6-z7 HR
  • 15s atpūta z2 HR
  • Papildus darbs 30m z2 HR


  • 10m z1-z2 HR

The 1st one was created using the workout builder.

The 17 and 18th May was ALT (mac option) drag drop. All shows 1h22m
Mac / Chrome

NOte : I had to add a new line for the 5m atputa z1 HR else it the graphic won’ t look like yours.

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I haven’t been able to reproduce this. If you reload the app does it still happen?

Few weeks later I had to plan next training block and was able to reproduce this error. App4g post above also did help.

My code was:

Repeat 8x
[space][space]-[space]20s sprint 150%-300%
[space][space]-[space]10s rest 50%
-6m extra rest between sets 60% [no spaces at the beginning of this line]
Repeat 8x
[space][space]-[space]20s sprint 150%-300%
[space][space]-[space]10s rest 50%

I use indentation to generate extra rest between sets. Dropping this workout from library, ALT dropping or Copy/paste weeks would produces extra duration time. My fix was to open Edit, then OK to close, without any edits. That way time would be re-calculated as it should be.

When I rewrote code using blank line instead of less spaces before “-” I was not able to reproduce this error.

Even with all this info and the same workout I can’t reproduce this :frowning:

I get 1h22 when trying to copy the workout.
I’ve dragged it to the library, from one day to another.

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I am using Windows with Chrome if this info helps.

Can you access my Workouts folders? All Tabata workouts (and few others) have this behavior. My ID is i11557.

This is my exact code, sorry about translation to Latvian.

Šī Tabatas protokola atvieglotā versija uzlabo anaerobās spējas. Intervālos kadence vēlama ap 100, taču svarīgi kontrolēt pedalēšanu, un sēdēt stabili uz sēdekļa. 

  - 9m 55-65%
  - 1m 90%
  - 2m 70%
  - 1m 105%
  - 1m 65%
  - Press lap 1m 65%

Atkārtot 8x
  - 20s sprints 150-300%
  - 10s atpūta 50%
-6m lielā atpūta 55%

Atkārtot 8x
  - 15s sprints 150-300%
  - 15s atpūta 50%
-6m lielā atpūta 55%

Atkārtot 8x
  - 10s sprints 150-300%
  - 20s atpūta 50%
-16m papildus 65%

  - 5m 45-55%

If you cant reproduce it, I will just add new line before each 6m step, because that solves issue.

I copied and pasted your code as is, here is the result:


This is correct structure, Gerald. Now, if you ALT drag (copy) this, its duration will became longer than it is in the original workout.

Hold ALT and then drag and drop from one day to the next?
Nothing changes

Hold CRTL and then drag and drop

If I open it, it shows 1h (Load 98)
When I close it, 4h16m (Load 233) reverts to the original.