HR Treshold in eCP model

Can you add CP 2 (3-20)?

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And W’ (3-20) please.
Very interesting.
What CP -W’ pair values would you choose, to put in the settings?


Update today

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I read that paper a while ago, and found proposed model quite interesting. Not seen much in the way of follow up work, so don’t know how well supported the theory is. However, anecdotally for me, it does give a CHR very similar to my LTHR from other tests. Given how much I dislike/struggle with the LTHR testing protocol (30 minute effort), I think I’m going to use this process going forward. Got a wee R script to pull peak Heart Rate data from Intervals and do the linear modelling.

we did a study with field-based measures and used different combinations of time-to-exhaustion trials and models to estimate CP/W’

In general, 1-min trials should be avoided to model CP as the prediction error increases, which is related to O2-kinetics.
