HR spike detection doesn't use Max HR for strength profile

Received an alert for exceeding HRmax

Went to Settings and increased HRmax for Strength profile to 177. Reprocessed, reanalayzed and still had the alert.

Went to settings and increased HRmax for Other and Cycling profiles. Reprocessed, reanalayzed and still had the alert.

Still have the alert and on activity HR page it still show HRmax of 175.

Appears to be a bug.

Did you check the RAW HR stream to see if this is artefact related or real HR?
Movement during strength training can be explosive and cause artefacts.

Regardless, its a bug.

To your comment. Yes, I expected to see high HR during a grind movement. WKO5 view using my custom Polar style HR chart:

  • warmup for 15 minutes, including some rolling 45s that increased HR up into green (z3 of 5 zones)
  • grinds (getup drills + heavy press) with HR increasing steadily up to 176
  • typical sawtooth HR from doing kettlebell swings on the minute
  • 3 sets of goblet squats at the end with typical sawtooth HR

Nothing looks wrong to me, completely expected to see something like that.

I agree, looks perfectly legit.

Either this was fixed, or I fixed it by updating zones using list view as described here by @MedTechCD

I’m looking for a list of athlete max HR settings by date. This would be a simple list of HRmax with the associated date. So if it was set twice, on January 1, 2020 and February 2, 2022 the list would look like this:
175 01/01/2020
177 02/02/2022

I’ve looked for an FTP list, and the only workaround I’m aware of is to use the activity list view and add an FTP column. Trying that with HRmax only displays the maximum HR achieved during a workout.

I think zone settings from API should return that.
Each activity has the zones at the time of activity.

Hard to believe we don’t have web access to an actual list like in Strava (ftp) or WKO5 (ftp, HRmax, weight, etc, etc).

I’ve got a workaround, thanks for posting that in the other thread.