How to set/change "Resting heart rate"

in my account I see a “Resting HR” = 60, while my resting HR is around 45bpm
After reading other threads here, it seems that this value is imported and cannot be set. Can you help me setting the right value? in my settings page I can only set “Threshold HR”, “Max HR” and “HRRc Min HR”.
I import data from Strava and upload to it through my Bryton Active APP.

Thank you!

If you click the date on a day in calendar view. then wellness data you can manually enter your number on the resting HR field. If it’s not there , on the botton at fields search for resting HR and make sure it’s ticked. Then you can enter it manually. I don’t think strava syncs resting hr. You’ll need to sync your device to intervals for that.

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Thank you, it worked! :slight_smile:

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