How to add another timeframe to Power Profile table?

Is there a way to add a timeframe in the options parameter for the w/kg comparson table?

Here’s a a visual

In the example above, I would like to add 5h in the power profile table (as I did in the “Best Efforts” menu.

Thanks a lot!

I respect the idea that you would like to see this number but frankly there is not much difference in physiological effort between 4 and 5h

I was thinking more, the idea of adding a customizable timeframe. Could be 6h or 7h. It doesn’t have to be hardcoded…in the same vain that it is possible to do it in the “Best Efforts” menu.

The tables for each duration are pre-computed every day so it is not so simple to have “random” durations. I would need to compute the tables for all seconds out to 5h or 6h. Not impossible but not right now.

Thank you for your answer. That seems a pain in the ass, and perhaps my request is unnecessary. However, if its easy for you, you could just add the 5h timeframe, which seems key to me, as this is what a lot of people target for finishing a century ride.

Thanks for your great website.