Heart Rate, Pace, Power

Hi Guys,

using intervals now since 2 month, and totally enjoy it.
I am still in the process of learning etc.

So today I noticed that priority list (heart rate, pace, power) for different sports.
Talking about running only for now, I switched to the priority list mentioned above and recalculated activities.

However, I don’t necessarily find it accurate, as on hard interval session I don’t care at all about HR, just about hitting my target split.

So, is there a possibility to distinguish: My easy runs should have priority heart rate, 100%. Contrary, my interval session should be based on Pace primarily.

Is there a way to do it?

Many thanks in advance for discussion.
BR Julian

I’m guessing that you are specifically talking about the list for Training Load Priority. If this is the case, you can manually select edit the load for an activity:


You could also automate this, but you’d have to create rules to differentiate between the types of run you want to identify. That should be easy enough for just easy runs / interval sessions. This can be done with scripting with custom activity fields.

You’ll also need to take a peek at the server-side data model for scripts. I think you’ll essentially need to change the icu.activity.icu_training_load attribute.