Hi, since resting energy is not displayed, I presume this field hasn’t been added? I also noticed that HealthFit is not syncing my active calories burned, am I missing something or has this stopped working?
IINM I have resting and active energy in intervals.icu (i do not use healthfit)
I added both (Active Energy and RestingEnergy) but they are not filled. Also, HealthFit only shows that it’s pushing rest energy to intervals while active calories seems missing. I’ve contacted the developer but haven’t heard back yet.
Good Morning,
I’m looking for the possibility to get active and resting energy from healthfit but i cant add them to my wellness data.
I am only able to find kcal consumed, but would be nice to have both
Energy burned and Energy consumed
Can someone point me in the right direction if i’m still able to get those fields from healthfit and/or the Intervals API ?
The post from above shows the relevant fields. Make sure you have them
thats why i’m asking if someone can point me in the right direction. I don’t have them, i can’t add them, i cant see them anywhere when i want to add fields to wellness data so maybe there is something i’m missing.
EDIT: i was missing the “Search for new Fields” in the bottom of the “add Field Modal”.
Got the fields. (which wasn’t depicted in the post above…)
Is there a way to fill this automaticly with the data from healthfit?
Sync is already esteblished but it seems not to fill those fields
Ah…. Yes. The magnifying glass was not in the screenshot.
If you’re looking to backfill those dates. I am not sure. But moving forward they should sync if it’s enabled in healthfit. (I don’t use Healfit.)
i think i’m still missing something.
the get and update api-endpoint doesn’t reflect any field for active or resting kcal within the json.
I can push those values myself with an api request, so that works just fine now
Does healthfit automaticly sync both values or do i have to change something in a setting?
maybe you’ve not enabled the permission under Apple Health?
Apps will Fail Silently if this is not enabled and won’t show an error (part of apple’s privacy feature)
As stated a while back above, I have both ActiveEnergy and RestingEnergy fields in Intervals.icu enabled. I have provided HealthFit access to all parameters in Apple Health as well. Now when I do a manual metrics sync from HealthFit to intervals.icu, both fields are still not updated.
how about giving my app a go? I’m here to help if there’s any issues.
You can use it to backfill the old data and switch back to HealthFit after you’re done.
Wait, I might be wrong but the intervals API doesn’t seem to support updating active and resting energy based on the API docs?
See the documentation for:
Or am I missing something?
In my case it looks like this, I sync everything in the background on the fly thanks to the BreakAway app. I heartily recommend
yeah. you’re missing something. These 2 items are “custom wellness” which has to be enabled as a field first. (as referenced in this post)
after that, you can then update it. The field would be “RestingEnergy”. I’ve done it w/ my app and it can be done on via curl/terminal as well
Yeah I added active and resting already to my fields. However, the API docs about wellness data updating do not mention both parameters. Hence, my doubts. Since you’re app does since these, it seems the docs are not up to date.
Things change very fast around here. If there’s one thing about developers, they don’t particularly like to update docs
In addition to that, the docs won’t ever be able to mention all these custom items that, due to the extensibility of intervals.icu, where everyone and their kitchen sink are able to add a custom item themselves, it won’t ever be up to date.
Anyways, once you’ve updated one of the fields, it would/should appear once you do a curl get
Just used BreakAway, and the energy fields do sync now. Weirdly enough, I had to add a custom “steps” field. Why is it not using the default/standard field for this? (HealthFit does). Also, BMI was needed to be added but is not filled it seems.
This is why… (have made it use the “default” one in my development branch)
one of 2 things could have happened
- there was no standard “steps” field when I added it. Only the Custom Fields
- I was drunk
I don’t use BMI and I’m not getting any errors. Can you elaborate?
I selected all parameters, including BMI, in. BreakAway. Hence, had to add it as a field in intervals as wel. The field however is not filled. (I don’t have bmi data, do have weight and length) so that’s probably the culprit. (Thought it (BreakAway/ Apple Health/ Intervals) would calculate it automatically.
One of the differences is that BreakAway doesn’t sync hydration (water consumed) while HealthFit does.