Health Sync now supports

Sorry, this may be a dumb question… I’m interested about the “sync activities from Strava” bit. I use an Android phone that has Strava on it. However, I never record anything with the phone app, I record everything with an Edge 540 and I manually upload the resulting .fit files (into both Strava and web sites) using a desktop browser.

In that setup, does Health Sync help with anything, would it be possible to use it so that I manually upload to a single site (say Strava) and have Health Sync mirror Strava activities to (without the Strava API restrictions)? Or does Health Sync only sync Strava activities that are actually recorded on the phone where Health Sync app runs?


I’m not gonna touch on the sync strava using fitnesscyncer but. I am however want to touch on your setup.

IMHO, your use case - you said “I record everything w my Garmin and manually upload to Strava & Intervals”. My question would be WHY all manual upload? In fact, for your use case it’s really simple.

540 → Garmin → intervals
→ Strava

Just enable both Strava dna Intervals connection within Garmin.

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I don’t use Garmin Connect, I don’t want to share my data with yet another company. But you know what, you made me realize that in order to use Health Sync I likely would have to give them access to the data too, so I guess not an option then, nevermind :slight_smile:

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Any difference or advantage of already using HealthFit on iOS?

I need some advice please.
I regularly use a rowing ergometer (Concept2 with PM5 monitor), and I would like to import the workouts with all the details in
the problem is that if I use Strava it doesn’t even record the calories.
If I use Wahoo ok the calories but no data.
Now I would like to use the ErgData app, native to Concept, this records everything in detail connecting perfectly with the Rower PM5 monitor. But it doesn’t export to strava or
Can you tell me how and which app I could use to synchronize on


Does this help? Integration to

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if I’m not mistaken I have to register, pair ErgData with Rowsandall, and this with Intervals and Strava?

Connecting To Strava, Garmin Connect, Training Peaks...and More! ?

Yes, I had just found the Concept2 settings page, I associated strava, and now it synchronizes Intervals well​:+1::+1: thanks

Odd one, I set up Health Sync integration, however this seems to be causing some discrepancies in data. Distance and elapsed time are identical, however Health Sync data shows no “coasting”, with higher fatigue load and work completed (8 second less moving time).

Any idea what is causing this?

Where’s the original Data from? Apple Health? Garmin? MyWhoosh? etc?

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Great addition, thank you! Health Sync has been a great backup hub app that I use regularly.

Nice, but it is very inconvenient that HRV and restHR are not part of the variables supported.

Data is from Hammerhead Karoo, via Strava and separately Samsung Health I think?

Doens’t Hammerhead have direct integration? anyways, also looks like healthSync isn’t passing the elevation as well.

I’m testing sync health data from Fitbit to Intervals. Where and how in intervals can I see the data imported from fitbit?

FitBit is still alive? I tot Google shuttered it…
anyways, you can see it on wellness. just click the calendar

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Thx. It Worked. Looking forward to the next update when more datafields are supported :+1:

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from GarminConnect?

I see that most of the data is already transferred correctly, is there a “Avg Sleeping HR” in the plans