Garmin Vo2max graph

It seems I can only get a graph of vo2max in round numbers. Is it possible to get the data from a garmin fit file and display it something like this? (from runalyze):

Even better if it could overlay alternate vo2max estimations via other methods too. I had a look in the forum archives and it seems this has come up before, but not sure I could find a conclusion.

Vo2-max is displayed for each activity (where it is calculated by garmin) with many decimals, but you have to create a custom field for it and also make a custom graph. I think.

I managed to make a chart like this:

Check this discussion. There is a solution to Garmin part All fields from Garmin activity

Garmin can write to the VO2max field in Wellness.

HRV4Training also write there, so if Garmin is to be used, then HRV4T should be unticked.

The value displays a whole number in the Wellness tab, but in a CSV export, or through the API, it shows as a decimal (see example below). It will only populate if you have an activity, cycling and running, and can change depending on what each value is. Example, my running is about 6-8 below my cycling value.

Thanks for the info, but am struggling to reproduce the above and figure out where to do it. If anyone has a step by step, would appreciate it