I’m not seeing Strength training as an activity in Intervals anywhere. So my guess is, it isn’t mapped and takes the default Workout. @david can check this and map to Weight Training if my suspicion is correct.
As things currently are you will only get “Weight Training” if you go via Strava. I have added a mapping for fit files strength training → Weight Training and will deploy that tonight (GMT+2).
@david Now Garmin “Strength Training” is being imported correctly as “Weight Training”, but the planned Weight Training is not merging with the imported Weight Training.
@david But there is a light red line with the planned gym workout, below the red line of completed workout.
Whereas the run only has a green line representing the completed run (the light green line of the planned run disappeared as soon as the completed run was uploaded).
When I put the mouse cursor on top of the light red line (planned weight lifting workout), it shows the message “planned workout”, so it’s still there.
Yes it did pair. The run gets the little skyline chart instead of the light green line because it is possible to plot it like that. For the weight training the light red line is kept to show that you did have a planned workout.