Garmin Secondary Workout Target

Hi there!
The Garmin 1040 offers the option of 2 on-screen targets. Is there any way to build workouts using this second goal? By Connect I can already insert a second goal, but here by intervals did not find how.
Some tip?

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That would be great !

I found that in an updated version of the Garmin docs. Cadence will now be used as a secondary target if it is present and not the primary target. Example workout step:

- 60m Z2 90 rpm

I only have an Edge 130+ so I can’t test this. Please try it out and see if it works. If it does please mail me the Garmin generated fit file ( Then I can probably make this work for workout FIT files directly generated by as well.

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Hi @david.

I sent you a “FIT” of a sample workout with two goals.
The 20min block as a primary goal is power “80% TP” and as a secondary goal is heart rate “121bpm” (you can’t set a percentage, e.g. LTHR, MaxHR).

As secondary goals you can set:

  • speed,
  • pedaling rhythm,
  • heart rate zone,
  • own heart rate.

After loading a workout created in “GC” with two goals, unfortunately the second goal is not displayed in “Builder workout” in




hi. Yes, can sync with GC with second target. Like mentioned above format (for example) is:

  • 10m ramp 43-45% 85-95 rpm

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Thanks for feedback

did you try do the same with heart rate (bmp)? Does it work too?

Hi) Yes, I tried…and no working

Hi all,

I have the same Need, setting a primary % FTP Power and a secondary target in HR %, could you make It work in any way?



:pleading_face::pray: :crossed_fingers::pensive::crossed_fingers: