Garmin Resync misses Title, RPE and Bike

Hello All,
Since January 1st I changed my workflow and use now Garmin (before Strava) as Source for Intervalls. To raise the quality of my Garmin data I spent now also some time to clean and correct the data in Garmin Connect. The workflow looks usually like this:

  • Record Activity with Garmin, finish and save, upload automatically to Garmin Connect
  • Garmin syncs automatically to Strava and Intervalls
  • Rename the activity in Strava App, change PRE, Bike, Activity type, change privacy
  • Rename the activity in Garmin App, change PRE, Bike, Activity type,
    Then later the day check the data in detail on PC
  • Open Garmin Connect and download fit file for Golden Cheetah
  • Import in GC and do the GC stuff
  • Sync VeloViewer and do the VV stuff
  • Open Intervalls and reload the Garmin Activity

Here I expect that the changed activity title, the RPE and the bike are corrected as these settings have been changed in the meantime. But no, there are not! Therefore:

  • Correct activity title, type, RPE and bike manually in Intervalls

Question: Is the later a bug, do I do something wrong or do I overlook something?




Unfortunately all gets from Garmin Connect is the original .fit file. No name or edits or anything like that.

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Ah, ok, understood. So these entries in Garmin Connect are only “local” in the additional Garmin dataset, but are not part of the Fit file interface definition, therefore not exported and synched.
Thanks for the quick explanation

This is not coming in .FIT file right?

No, that’s not in the original file. It is only stored on Garmin Connect and Intervals does not get that data.