Garmin activities not being uploaded to intervals

Yesterday I went for a short recovery run, but the activity has not been uploaded to intervals and I don’t know why. Sleep date, resting HR, steps etc. have all been updated from yesterday, but not the activities. Usually, it updates within minutes.

I already checked, that all sync permissions are still unchanged, so it’s supposed to sync the activities too, and not just the wellness data.

I have to friends, who apparently have the same issue.

It looks like Garmin had a short outage yesterday. You will need to download the fit file from Garmin Connect and upload to using the “Upload” button on the calendar page:

2024-09-12 15:14:31.534 DEBUG 1 — [ async-job-1176] icu.intervals.garmin.GarminService : Error downloading file 17016294530 athlete i192443 2024-09-12 14:35, skipping: Got 404 from GET 404 Not Found: Requested route (‘’) does not exist.

Also a suspicious dip in the “Garmin activities created from webhooks per hour chart”:

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Thank you for a quick reply, David! I uploaded it as you said and it’s in my calendar now. Hopefully it was just a one time thing and we won’t experience it again.

had the same issue yesterday, and manual upload was the solution - thx

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I have the same problem,must be upload by manually. Can’t auto upload everytime after activity

My own Garmin ride came through fine this AM and I am not seeing anything suspicious in the charts. So hopefully it is a temporary issue and just you :slight_smile: