[SOLVED] GAP issues: 10m Strava vs 356 meter Intervals


It seems like GAP on Intervals uses the same model as Strava, correct?

How come the values do not match then?

A recent example I have is from this week, where I did a 6 km run, by the water, meaning completely flat surface.

Strava shows a total elevation gain of only 10 meter over the 6 km run. Pace 5:47 and GAP 5:46. The same activity on Intervals is showing Pace 5:47 and GAP 5:11 with a gain of 356 meter.

Recorded on a Garmin 965. The exercise data is uploaded directly from Garmin Connect app to both Strava and Intervals.

check here… elevation calc is going to be a bit iffy…

Thanks! But if Strava can do it, why cant Intervals? Same exact file…

How is this setting configured?

What is the result in the Total Ascent field on Garmin Connect?

There are 101 methods to calculate elevation depending on the settings and the accuracy of barometric sensors. If baro-pressure is not used (because the device doesn’t have a pressure sensor or because it isn’t working correctly anymore), elevation will be calculated by data from online available maps. If GPS reception was mediocre during the activity, you get elevation data from points next to the road iso points on the road.
The GAP algorithm in Intervals is the same as the one from Strava, but almost surely, the platforms don’t use the same online maps.
If your device has a correctly working barometric sensor, the above setting should be set to Accurate Elevation = Yes and ‘Use Elevation Correction’ unchecked.

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On Garmin Connect it shows the same as Strava: Total Ascent 10m, Min Elevation 6m Max Elevation 14m.

Uncheck “use elevation correction” since your 965 has a barometer.

Thank you, that fixed it.
Is there a way to keep that checked off all the time or do I need to do it for every activity?

Set ‘Accurate Elevation’ to YES, leave the correction checkbox unchecked and those settings will be used for future activities.

Thank you! Have done that now. Will report back in case it does not work. Appreciate everyone’s quick support!