Future fitness changes

Thats a good idea. I need to try figure out where to put it in the UI …

Are your TR races shown with red dots? Mine don’t

Races labelled in Strava are red dots. Not sure which direction the labelling goes, Strava to TR, to ICU I believe

You can also edit an activity in Intervals.icu and make it a race. Click the big activity icon on the detail page.

I imported my TrainerRoad calendar with associated loads. Then looked into the future. Seems intervals is not recognizing the load values. What am I missing?

I think it is working. I just looks like it isn’t because what you have planned via TR isn’t that much so your CTL is declining. This week you are looking at Load of 529. Next week only 270, then 155, then 319.

Your current fitness is 75 so you have been doing approximately 7 x 75 = 525 a week.

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Thanks David, I work in healthcare with an Extremely variable schedule which makes training particularly challenging. I had opted for a TR low volume plan and then substitute whatever I think is best. I’m not sure this is a the best strategy. Thanks for your help and thanks for all that you do.

I went into TRoad, and increased my plan to their high volume plan. Then waited, logged in and out of both TR and Intervals, came back to intervals in an hour. I’m not convinced that the projected fitness is working. Granted, the new TR workouts are only giving TSS of 500 or so a week. No worries, I was just hoping that TR and intervals combined would help me towards my A race. Leadville 100 in August. I don’t have much faith in TR properly “coaching” me. I may get in touch with Wade for a plan.

Rather, contact Tom Bell (not wade, whoever that is:)

Please remember that CTL does not = fitness. Fitness is just used here as CTL etc are terminology specific (copyrighted?) to Training Peaks.

Ref your variable schedule at TR I would suggest LV is best and try and nail those 3 (I think on LV?) key workouts each week, even if you need to move them to different days to accommodate.

Consistency is key. CTL is only one way of measuring progress. Sure it is some indication of fitness but certainly not the only one.

Can you post a screenshot of your Fitness graph?

Also, why do you not have faith in TR? How long have you been a user? Have you not seen results? I ask as I am a TR user alongside self coaching so interested.

Agreed with CTL not equal to fitness. I’m 63 years old training for the Leadville 100 MTB (this is the 3rd go). Always finished, just want to be the best I can be. My schedule is terribly random and so there fore have been doing the T.Road low volume and then working in as much Z2 as possible. I really like TR, however, my concern is this. I don’t see my FTP increasing more than 10%. This based on 5 years of training. The best way to increase my speed then would be to increase my aerobic base. This would means lots of time in Z2. T.Road does not prescribe enough long (2-4hr)Z2 rides.
The fitness graft I am sending you is what it looks like after loading a T.Road high volume plan. I am very happy to hear any of your thoughts. It would be truly best for me to do TR low volume and add in Z2 Whenever it works with my very unpredictable schedule.

I’m not sure how this works for TR workouts imported. But from the power/HRZ2 plot, there isn’t any data from Feb20 onwards?

This is how mine looks like when i plan my next week’s session. There’s the Load Chart, and the Power/HRZ chanrt as well being populated. Does your Load Chart get populated from the future planned workouts from TR?

Do you have planned workouts with actually power targets etc? TR calendar only being across a overall load value and so can’t determine TiZ etc

Im not sure if you’re asking me or the OP.
For me, I plan in 2 ways.

Weekdays indoors - some ERG workouts
weekends outdoors - i will just put a placeholder w/ # hours ride and # of projected load.
eg: Sat 2hr, 120load

I’m asking you :smiley:

If you just have a ride which has a planned duration and load, then it will not show in the TiZ bars.

If you have a ride which gets its planned duration and load by creating the “workout” (eg. 20m @ %FTP) etc it will show on the TiZ bars.

I will come back to the questions @Todd_Bowen raises

I’ll second the suggestion to do the low volume plan, and add a long Z2+3 ride of your choice (when and duration). Doesn’t have to be one only, but at least all should be LIT.

Your CTL has plateaued, so there isn’t much stimulus to achieve super compensation after each recovery block.

Here is someone I’m helping who is on a LV plan during the week, and a 3-4 hour ride on weekends. He tries to complete the 2x HIIT sessions and one long ride as a minimum, or all 4-5 sessions per week of his schedule allows.

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not TiZ, but these :point_up_2:

aaaah… now i see the confusion. OP’s graph didnt include the load coming from TR

AgeraldM, that is impressive! this gives me hope that my original plan (LV+Z2) could work. I have been able to nail all the TR workouts and love Adaptive training. The hard part for a super motivated guy is how not to over due the Z2 portion of training (most likely to happen when ice gets off the roads). I am getting to understand my body and how it feels when I am moving towards to much training. Also, TR forces rest within the plan which I also find helpful. Thanks for your input.

This is a screen shot from my calendar. You can see this weeks workouts. You can also see how things imported from T.Road in next weeks workouts. In next weeks workouts you get the load as well as time. This seems to transfer onto my fitness page. Fitness page screen shot provided in thread. As you can see there the Load Chart and Power/HRZ chart does not populate. David feels like the fitness portion of the chart is working properly. For me, it is a struggle to figure how how much work I need to be doing to keep moving forward.

@Olly_Thomas Oily_Thomas. I like how your Load and Power charts populate. The power targets seem to not be provided to intervals.icu. This maybe some of the problem with the Load Char and Power Chart.