Food Nutrition App

hello everyone, I wanted to ask for suggestions on apps to monitor sports diet. I want to start to improve my diet regime and reduce my body fat percentage without losing weight. I noticed that Jumbo Visma has released a probably dedicated app ( and I was wondering if any of you have ever tried it. I could also use lifesum, but it seems more generic as an app.


Holy smokes! I just signed up - and its recommending 1000 extra calories that I have been tracking myself the old fashioned way with a 55-70% carbohydrates, 15-30% protein, 10-25% fats routine using MyFitnessPal.

Not sure it works for me - as I seem to maintain with a 1600 base and 1/2 my calorie output, so I usually end up about 2100 a day.

What I wonder is, would this build my fire up more than I realize and I’ve really been starving myself to somehow get a better power to weight ratio and missing the concept?

FWIW I really like Macrofactor:

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Could you tell me if MarcoFactor helps in macronutrient distribution for mixed athletes with particular attention and goals of weight gain (lean mass), and loss of body fat percentage?

the app is great! let’s hope David considers an integration