[FIXED] Dragging workouts from plans

If it isn’t already, would it be possible to make it so that you can drag workouts from plans to the workout library? ATM I download workouts and then import them.


Kindly elaborate. AFAIK, you can drag and drop workouts from your workout library to the calendar.

So not clear exactly what you want.

Sorry for not being clear. I copied a plan into my library and when I opened the plan I couldn’t drag individual workouts into my library. I think it might be because the creator may have chosen for the athlete not to be able to edit. Might that be the reason? Apologies. I’m new.

To ensure terminology used is correct, what is your definition of a “plan” on Intervals, and where is it located.

An athlete’s “plan” is in the library, so it should be possible to drag and drop a workout from the plan to the library. It works for me on mobile and desktop.

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eg: This is my workout library, containing my “plans”. Hence just drag and drop

If you note at the very bottom, there is one labelled “Cyclocross Workouts” these are workouts/plans that was created by other users which I copied to my own library (you can use the magnifying glass to search for these plans - are these the one you’re referring to?)

I just tested that and it works for plans you can edit but not for plans shared by other people. I will see if I can fix that.

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I have fixed this. You can now drag workouts from a plan you cannot edit (shared by someone) into your library.