Fix HR Error (too low, not fully dropped)

I just did a hard hill climb ride and my HR strap malfunctioned partway through. I was able to see while riding that suddenly its reading for HR dropped from 170s to 110s and then 80-90s with no change in my actual HR or RPE. This shows up in the data as well.

Since it doesn’t fully drop out or produce zeros, I can’t use the apply function to fix data tool. As it isn’t an artificially high value I can’t weed it out with spike detection. Is there any way to fix this without going point by point? I’m not interested in entering 400 individual values, but I would love to have more accurate HR data as this effort did provide me with a new threshold HR even with this wonky data

Zoom to the artefacted part and apply a constant offset.
It will not be perfect but a lot better then what it is now. Scale = 1 and offset +55 for example.
Zoom to a part that leaves out a couple of seconds at the beginning and end of the wrong data. Correct those few points manually


Thanks! I didn’t understand that the scale/offset could apply even if there wasn’t a dropped value. Very helpful!

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I would really enjoy if there was a “drawing mode”. Such HR flukes happen frequently, they are not always smooth and they mess up the distributions.


Now that is a neat idea :clap:

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This was very helpful! Had a ride this weekend where my watch registered 200+ bpm for a good ten minutes (no power meter, but RPE was more like z3). As a consequence my threshold HR had gone up to 175, completely skewing the HR curve. Was afraid I just had to delete the activity and note the load, but this function allowed me to fix it to something more reasonable (albeit not exact, but that’s fine).

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