Fitness Tabs & Graphs

Perhaps I’m doing something wrong or misunderstanding how this works but graphs and tabs Ive created have changed overnight ?

Do you mean that they are different on phone and desktop? That would be normal.
Or something else?
Give some more details/screenshots to explain better what you’re experiencing.

Understood on phone vs desktop. On desktop I changed a bunch of tabs and graphs yesterday but when I come to it today the tabs and graphs have reverted to a quite random collection of names on the tabs and graphs within the tabs. I dont have screenshots from yesterday unfortunately to show. Fior example, I had a custom HRV chart which disappeared today (although is still available from the chart library). Its as if the changes yesterday didnt get pushed to the server. Althouygh Im not quite sure where the data is held? Server or in browser cache or locally?

Sounds weird…
All settings are stored on the server. Opening your account on any desktop should show you the exact same thing. Due to differences in layout and available space, that is not the case for phones/tablets. Smaller devices have their own set of settings, but all charts you created are normally available for selection.

Yes. Ive never seen this before.

Are you still having issues? My own stuff is all good. I did make a change recently (added the activities checkbox) but that shouldn’t have causes any issues.

Looks ok this morning and the latest changes appear to have updated on the server. Maybe a network error on my side or a login issue? I dont know. Thanks

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