Fitness stats now in weekly info popup

The box that pops up when you click the weekly summary information on the calendar now includes fitness, fatigue, form etc. as they were (or will be) on the Sunday of the week at the bottom. Tx @CEscorcio for the idea!


Nice addition!
However, ramp is showing “?” for me for the current week. There is a ramp value at the fitness page.

I can confirm that observation…

The fitness numbers for the current week are incorrect if you don’t have planned workouts in the future. I am busy fixing.

This is fixed now. If you are not following a plan then ramp rate is not shown for future weeks and the ramp rate for the current week is only up until “today” not the next Monday (which is in the future). Likewise fitness etc. are all for today not Sunday.


I can confirm this also :sunglasses:

(Yes, I’ve been out cycling in the meantime)


Thank you for the feature, awesome to see out suggestions to be heard.

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The w/kg numbers were broken for people using non-metric units. This has been fixed.