Find races and share your own

Search for races near you on and share races from your own calendar with everyone else. I am hoping there are enough people on sharing their own races to make this work. Click a blank area on the calendar to bring up the add calendar entry dialog and choose “Search” at the bottom:

Race that are already on the selected athlete’s calendar get a green tick. Click an event to get more information. There are links to Google and Apple Maps. Click Add to add it to the selected athletes calendar:

Please share your own races to build out the registry. Click the race and then the “Share” button. Or click the “Add” button in the search dialog to add something not on your own calendar. Please search first so there aren’t too many duplicate events.

For multisport events or events with several different options add all the activity types. The “Location” field autocompletes with Google place information. You can drag the marker on the map.

Races that are linked to a shared event get a people icon. Click the button to get the details.


Is it fine to add Gran Fondos? The amateur scene in here is mostly that

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Yes absolutely and thanks. Exactly the same here. This will only work if lots of people add stuff in their area. I am going to make it an announcement once the initial bugs have been fixed. I am also going to include “upcoming races not on your calendar matching your searches” in the plan for the week email.


Is it possible to add/view the race(s)/event(s) in the library plans? I find when planning someone’s calendar, that I need to go back between the calendar and plan view to see when A/B/C events are. It’s just to help make the planning easier.

Currently, I add the event in the plan, and also as the event. It then shows double on the calendar.

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Now I would say we need “Triathlon” as a Race type


Is it possible to add races that you’re not attending? Without them looking like a failed workout

You can add multiple activity types to the same shared event. The first one is used when it is added to a calendar. Still need to sort something out for that part.

Right now you need to add the race, share it and then delete the race. The shared event will remain and you can find it in the search to edit and so on. I am going to make it possible to add shared events from the search page soon.

So you you want to add races to training plans?

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Yes, or have visibility of the race when planning the 3-4 weeks ahead, specifically when C- and B-races are part of the training plan. There are generally only 1-3 A-events in a year, so easy to manage.

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You can now add events from the search dialog:

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Looks like the country picker can’t be cleared to show all the countries after having selected one. I’d say this is relevant to possible travelers that might want to just see the whole world event list!

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You can now clear the country field to see everything (well up to 100 anyway). I have also added maps.


I think, if there would be some kind of separate pop-up search page for races in the calendar, where you would be able to choose a maximum distance of the race location from your location (or even a choosable location) and the type of the race as well as some other parameters (distance, estimated time, …), it would be an awesome feature for the calendar and the platform itself.

Having to enter the exact address is a bit of a bummer/barrier. I am probably in a niche population here as a rower, but for Head Races in West London, while they all tend to start at the same bridge, technically people join them from different boating locations, so the address is a bit abstract. I can still put the bridge where it start, or the race organizers’ boathouse, but at the same time, rowers know enough about these races to know where they are (they are often just looking for the calendar), and plus they are adults who can just use good old internet search skills.

After saying all that, maybe that’s a feature for cyclists and runners primarily: when I want to do a cycling event, I agree the UK amateur scene is messy and it is hard to find all events in a single resource, so thanks for that. Rowers have a clear calendar in the country, and because they have to enter through clubs, the club structure allows for the racing calendar info to be much clearer.
But it would still make people more motivated to add the info if they don’t have to enter the address beyond the city: again, people can google, but also people would not enter the address in their own calendar (they know where that race is), so having to add it to be able to share is a barrier.

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It also would be great if latitude and longitude could be picked up from the address, when chosen to entered), and/or optional too. Definitely a stronger barrier than entering the address: I am not going to go and look it up for people. I can see how cyclists would have it as they have the course already on their bike computer, but that’s really cycling-specific: runners, rowers, and probably many others don’t check latitude and longitude for any event (well, maybe some ultra-running events require it, but that would be a minority of events).

Just a thought for users in the USA and quite possibly for other locales with event aggregators. Many/most of our USA events/races are listed on . Bikereg has a search API. I’m wondering if there would be any utility in adding event repos like Bikereg to the Intervals Event Search dialog.

The location field auto completes with Google’s geocoding API so hopefully mostly that fills in the address, lat and longitude fields. I want latitude and longitude to generate Google and Apple maps link to the start and for map display.

I didn’t know about that but will definitely have a look. Tx. There isn’t anything like that in South Africa. You have to look all over the place to find whats on.

Hmm… sounds like a business opportunity. :wink:
The make a killing on processing fees to enter races and nearly every event uses them, including USA Cycling for championship events.

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Great feature, I have now added UCI Gran Fondo in Austria in April. Worked perfectly except that it marked as a B category race by default.

Tx. A/B/C depends on the athlete so it defaults all races to B. Its easy to edit if that isn’t correct.

1 Like now searches BikeReg, RunReg and TriReg for events if the country is US or the region is a US state code. Tx for the tip. Was quite a bit of work but hopefully the search is a lot more useful for US based athletes now.

Activity type assignment is approximate.