Fill in more wellness data read from Garmin

Can more of the wellness data from Garmin be read in and made available to the API? Most of the data is still null. I am most interested in stress, sleep score, sleep quality and may be HRV.

Those are all able to sync. Make sure you have selected all the available fields from the settings screen.

Thanks. I have all those enabled and I tried download old data too. Still those values are null. My watch doesn’t support sleep score and sleep quality so it is understandable that there is no data for them. But it does support stress, and that data is visible in Garmin Connect. So I don’t understand why stress data is still null in the API responses.

The default ´Stress´ field in Intervals is a subjective score.
If you want the HRV stress data from Garmin, make sure you have a custom field.

Sorry, but what to you mean my ‘custom field’? I didn’t think Intervals pulled through the Garmin Stress score, but are you suggesting that is can if a field is created by the user? Thanks

Garmin does not pass on this data automatically and you have to enter it manually - if you want it


I still don’t understand your answer. I see the API response has a stress parameter in it=>
Are you saying you do or don’t import the daily stress value from Garmin? If yes, how can I get it to show up? Thanks in advance.

This is the default Stress Wellness field in Intervals

It’s a subjective feeling field with 4 ‘select’ values. If you want anything else, like a Stress ‘value’, you have to create an additional custom field that can take a numeric value.

Ok. Thanks. It would be wonderful to be able to get the Garmin value for my application if it becomes available like other wellness stats.

Is there any way to sync the daily stress score that garmin devices calculate?
I’ve looked at requesting all data but that only syncs RHR, Sleep Score and SpO2. Could this maybe be done via Google Health or is Garmin not sharing this information at all?

I would like to plot the stress over time to track recovery and inform my training. For example reschedule HIT-Sessions when stress from an infection or work is high.


Would it be possible to add all the fields from Garmin Index 2? Like, bodyfat%, water%, muscle mass% etc.?