Feature Request: Tapping esc key should close tool-tip windows

I’m in the habit of tapping the esc key when various web apps open pop-ups or tool-tips, and it seems to be quite common behavior these days. It would be great if intervals.icu also behaved this way. In particular, on the Fitness page when clicking Fatigue, Form, Ramp, etc.


+1 for this proposal. I also keep hitting esc all the time just because I am used to. :grinning:

I find Intervals.icu a bit inconsistent in that regard. E.g. on the Activities tab, esc does close the UPLOAD window and the OPTIONS dialogue. But it does not close the workout library. Also, in list view esc does close the EDIT and COLUMNS window but not the filter dialogue.

Minor nitpicks of course.


I have fixed some more of these. On the Fitness page the chart was grabbing the focus on mouseover so sometimes they would close on esc and sometimes not.

