Export your Intervals.icu calendar

You can view planned workouts, races, holidays and notes in any external calendar that supports subscribing to a Calendar URL (Google, Microsoft, Apple etc.). Click “Options” on the calendar view and select “Export Calendar”:

Expressions like 120% and 90% HR are converted into watts and bpm on export:

Help on the editor:


That’s very cool David, thanks!

maybe an option to keep FTP% on workout description would be useful.
I personally prefer to see “this workout is 30 min at 55%-65% FTP” rather then “this workout is 30 min at 800W-900W” but I can be the only one :man_shrugging:


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Tx. I have added that to the todo list. Not too hard.

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With an FTP of ~1,450 Watts, that makes no difference, really :joy:

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You can now use percentage ranges in workout descriptions not just individual percentages. Examples:

105-110% => 322-338w (for FTP of 307)
90-95% HR => 168-178bpm (max HR of 188)

You can also export your Intervals.icu calendar without converting the percentages to actual watts and bpm values.


Is there a way to filter calendar exports indoor rides only? If not could this be added to the to-do list?

There isn’t but I have added that to the todo list.

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I have exported Intervals.icu calendar to Apple iCal and while I See the activities, they are on the wrong time zone. How do I fix that?

Is the Timezone in Intervals.icu/Settings correct?

I think I have fixed this. Will deploy Tues AM (GMT+2) and then we will find out.

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Events still seem to be in the middle of the night…

It is, I’m on LA time zone, but I don’t think that has an impact….

I have just deployed the “fix”. I am not sure how often Apple polls the calendar so might have to wait a while to see if it works.

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It is working now. Awesome

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Not sure if it’s the same issue, but sounds like time zone, my workouts are all shifted a day earlier in the ics feed, than on intervals.icu

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You can check your timezone in /settings. The Intervals.icu calendar etc stores everything in local time so it doesn’t have those issues.

Where are you inporting the calendar?

I have tried changing from Australia/Victoria to Australia/Melbourne in settings, I’m importing in to Apple Calendar, have checked local time zone and tried both with subscribing in to Local and iCloud contexts and same results. I suspect I’m missing something that will be really simple after I find it, but it’s eluding me now…

Hi, I’m having the same issue as Stuart, calendar in Intervals is set to the right timezone but the export .ics is in UTC (+00) and therefore displaying wrong (Australia/Brisbane).

Hmm. Intervals.icu specifies entries without time as:


These are supposed to be calendar date as far as I know.

Do you mind adding a time to one of your workouts and see if that works?

Awesome, fixed for me, thanks so much David.