Exclude activity

Not sure if would take a lot, but would it be possible to enable the possibility to exclude an activity, so that it doesn’t influence numbers, like total load for the week, power curve, etc?

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wanted to ask the same thing, sometimes I record on two devices and have double data… when my HRM doesnt work I record both on germin edge and fenix, or zwift… would be useful cause people dont like deleting the file containing km, then I delete the other file with HR and that is in reality more important… cheers

Good idea. Its now on the todo list. You can ignore the power and/or HR for an activity which will leave it out of power/HR curves, not use it for training load models and so on. Click the “cog” icon under the ride timeline chart.

You can also edit the training load for any activity and just set it to 1 to leave it out of fitness.

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I know that, but as my (double) activities have both power and hr, that won’t work.

(I tried it, but the load numbers didn’t change anyway)

I set the load on that activity to 1 and it worked. However editing the activity (e.g. changing the ignore power setting) recalculated training load. I will fix that.

Thanks. I didn’t set the load to 1, but noticed earlier this week that the ignore option didn’t do the trick (as I hoped). And by setting load to 1, that may fix that problem, but I guess that the data still counts towards other totals and the power curve calculation. The latter doesn’t really make a difference, since doubles would essentially have the same numbers, but still…

On a side note, my reason for asking:

I often have two recordings of the same workout, where one will be the registration from the app controlling my indoor trainer, while I simultaneously record a virtual ride (Tacx TDA, VeloReality).

I use the ‘raw’ data from the controlling app to fill my calendar on Xert by uploading that file to Garmin first, as this is complete with warming up and cooling down. Xert will then sync it to Strava

The virtual ride goes directly to Strava, where I like to keep it for the challenges - where applicable - and the segments. This will only hold the ‘bulk’ of the workout, with high(er) power numbers.

So, both recordings will go to Strava and so they will both show up on intervals.icu

Obviously, I can delete either, preferably the one with the raw data, from Strava - which I have done now for my previous workouts - and/or disable sync from Xert to Strava, but if I could just exclude them here, that would also be nice.

The ignore power and ignore HR flags were not being checked for the weekly “time in zones” stats. I am busy fixed that now. Those flags do work for excluding power and/or HR data from the curves.

Nearly done with “ignore time and distance” (and calories and elevation) as well.

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Everything should be fixed now. You can now ignore time & distance, ignore power and ignore HR.

  • Ignore time & distance: Activity is left out of the weekly time, distance and calories totals
  • Ignore power: Activity power is not included in season curves, best efforts etc and time in power zones are excluded from weekly totals
  • Ignore HR: Activity HR is not included in season curves and time in HR zones are excluded from weekly totals

Not to deprive you of any more well deserved sleep, but according to the attached screenshot…

Actually, I see that it’s only the load that is not recalculated and you didn’t mention that it would be (time, distance & calories only).


You can edit the load to 1. I fixed the bugs that were causing that to get reset.

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Oh, okay - not possible to exclude that too, if selected to ignore, then?

Apparently, you can also set it to 0 btw - seems to work…

Hey there,

Is it possible to somehow include a bulk power data ignore feature? A quick way of excluding say 3 months of bad virtual trainer power.


Sorry not currently. You have to edit them one by one. You can use the “next/previous activity” buttons under the activity icon to step through them quickly.


Sorted. Was easier than anticipated.

Loving your software. I’m getting everyone I know on it.

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Had the same question, one ride had bad PWR data, and skewed the entire eFTP. Is the only way to zap the activity? or just fix the bad power part?

You can click the cog icon under the ride timeline chart and tick the “Ignore power” box.

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I knew there was an option, thanks!
Somehow my eyes could not see the cog icon, I tried all the other text buttons.
I need some rest from screen time :wink:

Hello, is it possible to remove best times in a swiming session. I set up my watch with a pool of 50m but it was a 25 min. Therefore, I have world record times currently. I change the total distance and my average pace has been updated but the best times remain.

Thanks in advance for your help
