Error in calculation Power @128 bpm 246W

I did a workout on the trainer. I rode aerobic intervals at 135W/125W. Why was the Power @128 bpm value calculated at 246W?
Isn’t this some kind of error in the calculations?

best regards,

Something changed recently here and it does look like a bug. I checked historically but looks like this value got recalculated for all activities (both Run an Ride for me) with a value that is way too high.

On this walk, power never exceeded 160W. just fits a line to the power vs HR dots and then plugs in the top of your HR Z2 to get watts. If that line is not good (short activity, not enough variation in power output etc.) then the result might be bad.

Here I did an easy cruise and my HR didn’t go anywhere. 213w for only 136-139 bpm is high for me, extrapolating that to top of HR Z2 bpm (152) gives 342w which is definitely too high. If I had done some harder efforts my HR would have been “normal” and the top of Z2 number good.

thx @david