Energy consumed per distance


Can I view a created collumn (kcal / distance in km) in activities tab?

In the specific activity, I was able to create the field with the code
activity.calories / (activity.distance /1000)

But I can’t include it in the activity list columns. I think this information would be of great value to everyone.


FWIW, I just tried this and was able to show it in my Activity list columns. Does it show up on the activity itself? If it does, it should work.

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In activity I can see the “kcal / distance in km”, but in activities list no =(

Think you need to also create an Activity Custom Field which calculates the avg of the whole activity. That should then show up as an activity list column.
An Activity custom field is not the same as an Interval field! The first one displays in the activity summary at the top and is always for the whole activity. The second one displays as a number for a selection/interval header and as a column on the Intervals Data page.
Use your code to create a Custom Field here:

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I’m using a kJ/half hour custom chart, that was kindly created by @Ben
Perhaps you could use this to guide you for your request.

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Greaaaaaat!! Tks!