eFTP - how does it work?

I see my eFTP varies from time to time but I have not made any changes to my settings? I am currently not as fit as 3 months ago, and my eFTP went down considerably. Does Intervals use some HR data to auto set it? How does it work? My 20 mins watts also declined “automatically”?


That is the definition for eFTP given by Intervals.icu - there is a decay factor applied, so if you reduce your training and/ or you don’t undertake a maximal effort (for the minimum duration in your settings) then you will expect it to decline over time. It used power data not HR data to calculate.

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Does eFTP dictate tss etc? Or more specifically, is it possible to make eFTP the default FTP setting?

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I have wondered whether this is possible too.

eFTP is an estimate of your FTP based on a single max effort, greater than the duration set in the settings page. That effort could be from 3-20 minutes.

It looks at this single max effort and places you on a power duration curve to estimate FTP. To ensure you have a good/reliable PDC, you would need to do a series of max effort across the horizontal axis (duration). This would include 1s, 5, 30s, 1m, 3m, 5-6m, 12m 20m and if you have longer efforts, then 30m, 60m, 2h, 3h and more.

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