eFTP as Master for activities

I am planning to add an option to automatically update the FTP in /settings when eFTP changes. Lots of people have asked for that. Just need to get “custom plots on activity detail page” done and then I will get on that and lots of other small things.


While you’re working on the solution, would it be possible to get an e-mail notification when the eFTP has decreased? I already get e-mail notifications on an increase! @david

Hmm. That might give you an email every couple of days if you reduce training and your eFTP gradually drops …


Yeah, I guess I’m one of the only nutcases that may actually want such a notification.

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Many thanks for your great work.
How do we get the note when the function of automatic update of FTP when eFTP changes is implemented and can automatic update be enabled/disabled?
Many thanks again.


Tx. Automatic update of FTP to match eFTP is on the todo list.


Just thinking out loud here.
Would it make sense to also auto-update W’ ?

Yes that has been on the list for a long time as well.


While we’re discussing possibilities here.
I think it would also make sense to use ‘last 42 days’ (and maybe the other options, 84d, season, etc) as the period to take the eFTP+W’bal from.
Your opinions?

One issue with a short period like 42d is that if you haven’t done a long enough max effort for eFTP and a shorter one for W’ then the numbers will likely be way lower than your likely actual numbers. But it could work for say 84d.


Yeah, that makes sense

Hoping you allow ity to go back in time to modify my historical data


Hi @david,

Just wondering if this has been enabled? I’ve realised I’ve been beating myself up about my cumulative training load being way behind last year but didn’t adjust my FTP since having COVID and a month off. Would love it as well if it could go back in time and correct for historical data to see if my previous years cumulative training load and fitness scores were genuine or just a case of forgetting to raise the FTP and therefore getting inflated values.

Many thanks for all your work!!


No I haven’t implemented auto update of FTP yet. You can fix up your historical FTP though. Add that column to the activity list view and edit it in place or use the bulk edit:

Cool, I’ll do that thank you!

This is the feature request I’ve been looking for.

Another vote for the value of automatic updating of FTP when eFTP changes.

I know it’s on your to-do list, just wanted to add another vote in support mainly.

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If you do decide to implement this, please allow the option to auto-update or not. I’d prefer to only change it after testing under conditions that are the same each time. Also, a small change in power, 3-7W is not worth changing it each time it is auto-detected.


Completely agree. eFTP is for guidance only for me. I personally only want to update FTP manually based on specific testing etc.

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I think David already said it would be an option, not rule.

It would be most valuable for looking at activities, rather than setting training for workouts etc.

Hi @david, just wondering if you’ve got round to this update?

Many thanks