Easily see group chat members & ask to follow

You can now click on the title bar of a group chat to open settings e.g. to see who is in the group. You can see which people in the chat you are following + ask to follow people (tx @Kim_Bonde).

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I left a group but still see people in the message ist. Perhaps because I follow. How can I unfollow. Can’t find a button or so for this.

Do you mean that the people from the group are still on your /athletes page?

Yes that is correct. I left the group but people are still on the list. Some with indication thatI follow and they are following, some with nothing etc.

Ok. The people on the /athletes page are not connected to group chats. If you click under the name of someone you can then choose to delete them. I need to make the little pencil always show up and not just on hover:

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