Duplicate workouts, notes, targets and weeks

You can now duplicate planned workouts, notes and weekly targets into the future on the calendar (and training plans). You can also duplicate whole weeks using the week drop down menu.

Duplicating a weekly target:


Someone should verify the sizes of various pop-ups in different languages.

Some pop-ups, such as this one, should be resized to avoid scroll bars. Perhaps the width could be automatically calculated based on the sum of the widest elements?

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The duplicate feature is great - many thanks.

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Thanks, @david! You’re a feature coding machine! Keep it up, we all appreciate your work and dedication!

P.S. I would love if you could share the “Big Gear Grinds” workout too :blush:

Man!!! You are great! Perfect!
Thanks (again!!!)

Ah thats always a pain. I need to set fixed width for dialogs (adjusted for screen size). I should probably just use the duplicate icon. Or replace “Download” with an icon.

Wahooo so fast! Thanks a lot David

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Many thanks! The plan for a making a plan is now alive! :wink:

Why not use in general more Icons? I think stuff like “Share”, “Download”, “Edit” and “Close” are Icons that more intufitive like the Text-Buttons now.