Duplicate Rides (Wahoo/Strava/Zwift)

I have all three connected to Intervals:

  • Zwift
  • Strava
  • Wahoo

And I noticed when I do a Zwift rides I get duplicate workouts:

It looks like the system will merge the Wahoo/Strava uploads but doesn’t merge Zwift’s upload.

Please advise.

Any reason for all 3 to have activities synced here?

Usually Strava is for those devices that doesn’t support direct upload. Like Bryton but all your activists seems to have direct integration.

Hence. Just turn OFF activities download for Strava.

Are you also dual recording w your wahoo? I think that makes sense there’s dups then

Thanks for the response! I don’t dual record with a Wahoo computer. And I need Strava to upload TrainerRoad.

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Ah… that makes sense. TrainerRoad → Strava → Intervals

But what doesn’t make sense is why the screenshot says Wahoo/Strava

Is the TR ride syncing to Wahoo as well?

Perhaps it’ll be clearer if you could list down exactly how your riding the workout as I don’t see how wahoo comes into the equation when you’re riding a zwift ride (even if it’s TR → zwift)

So… it’s like

TR -> Zwift -> intervals.icu
            -> Strava -> Intervals.icu

I think what is happening with the Wahoo/Strava file is:

Zwift → Strava → Wahoo → Intervals


Zwift → Strava → Intervals

As I previously mentioned I need to keep the Strava connection for:

TR → Strava → Intervals

Can Intervals only merge, at most, two files for the same ride?

Do you need the Zwift ride in wahoo?
Is TR rides going to wahoo as well?

TR → Strava → Wahoo?

As of right now, intervals isn’t merging in the strictest sense of the word. It’s just looking wt (something like) start date/time and sport and if they match, it will favor the data stream from alternate sources vs strava (cos strava strips data out of the stream).

So it’s not merging and besides, we need to be really careful when dealing w these “merging” as diff systems have diff idiosyncrasies and assumptions tend to fall apart as well as merging isn’t as straightforward as it looks. (Else. It would be trivial to implement. You can look at a thread in gotoes forum on how many things needs to be considered)

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Thanks for the context!

I don’t but I am not sure I can filter Strava rides going into Wahoo.