Dropbox integration permissions

Thanks for creating this great app.

I’m trying to pull ride data from Dropbox, and noticed that intervals.icu requires full read permissions on my entire Dropbox for that.
Ideally, I’d like intervals.icu to have access only to specific folders. Other apps, e.g. TrainerDay, do it like that.

It’s not that I don’t trust intervals.icu, but in case a key leaks somehow, an attacker would have full read permission on my Dropbox, which contains a lot of personal files.

Thr issue was raised by someone else here before: Dropbox support - #6 by David_Ward

Is there any chance this could make it onto the roadmap?

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The way Dropbox does that is you create an app that only has access to one predefined folder (the one for the app). So that doesn’t work well for Intervals.icu which supports downloading/uploading from multiple folders etc… The Dropbox access tokens are encrypted in the Intervals.icu db so its not trivial for an attacker to make use of them if there was a hack.

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Thanks for the reply.

I understand, that sounds a bit complicated to integrate.

Well, in case that feature still makes it into the app despite the complexity, I would find it extremely useful.