Downloading Xert Workout Files

Hi @david. I have an athlete using Xert. We have the option of downloading workout files from Xert in ZWO, TCX and ERG. The intent is to drop them into Intervals, and then be pushed to Garmin Connect->Garmin 530 and then used during an outside ride. I assumed I can use the TCX file, but it’s not recognized by Intervals.

The issue is that on Intervals, I can only import the Xert workout file in ZWO format (which works with Zwift, right?). And when I do that, I can see the workout on Intervals calendar and everything looks normal. But when the athlete goes to do the workout on their Garmin, the workout power display is wonky, meaning it doesn’t display actual power like if I was to build a workout on TrainingPeaks then send to Garmin it just works and displays power normally. It almost appears that it might be displaying something like 30s power (that if you’ve ever used 30s display power while doing short intervals, it will drive you nuts!). And note that we cannot change the display power time on a structured workout (shown in pic), like you can on other data screens (example, instant, 3s, 10s, 30s, etc.). I assume that this is happening because of the ZWO file format. I vaguely remember seeing a post that said we could import TCX for Garmin. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? TIA.

I think you need to add ‘power=3s’ to each line with power target. The step line would then look like:
2m 150-160w power=3s

You have options to send the range as 1s, 3s, 10s or 30s.

If not specified, Garmin assumes 30s if I remember correctly. TrainingPeaks has a setting to do that automatically when exporting to Garmin.

Unless someone has knowledge of doing this automatically in Intervals?

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