Downloading workout as MRC downloads .txt file


I’ve recently noticed that downloading workout as MRC file, add .txt extension to the file name. Now I have to manually change the name of the downloaded file, as some apps require extension to be correct.

Kind regards,

WOrks ok for me.
Mac / Chrome

What browser and operating system are you using? I just tested this on Safari on a Mac and it worked.

Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 14:54:12 GMT
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Sweetspot_Sandwich.mrc

That shouldn’t get a .txt added.

Firefox. It happens on Android (Firefox 95.2)

EDIT: Uploaded screenshot from Android

I am not sure what to do about this. Firefox really shouldn’t be tacking on a .txt like that. I tested FF on my Mac and it worked fine :frowning:

David, you might want to check the “Content-type” you’re setting in the HTTP response (currently it’s “content-type=text/plain;charset=UTF-8”). Maybe you can try changing it to “application/octet-stream”?

I’m neither web expert, nor Android developer, but I’ve noticed that the Android web browsers (FF and Chrome) tend to rename the file extension based on the MIME type.

Good idea. I made that change and it still works on Chrome, Safari and Firefox on a Mac so hopefully now also on Android.

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I see that the workouts are not getting renamed anymore. Thanks!

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I go to library/new folder/create one
Open that folder and press the 3 dots, select import workouts, select workout from my computer and move all to window, but return an error and do nothing.

Oops. I just fixed this and will deploy Tues AM (GMT+2). Tx for the report.

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