Double entry for activity

on an outdoor ride I just did which was recorded on Garmin connect and also sent from there to Strava. It looks as if intervals hasn’t managed to identify those as identical so it’s got a double entry on my calendar. This has not happened before I have both Garmin connect and Strava linked to intervals

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Happend to me too, i have deactivated stravia, import, cause in my case it where the same Data, send from garmin to stravia and both send it to intervals.

But it would be nice, if intervals would recognice it as the same.

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I haven’t deactivated the Strava link because David said we didn’t need to. This hasn’t happened before. you can also see another ride I did yesterday where it didn’t happen. obviously, I can delete one of the activities and hope that it doesn’t happen again, but for the sake of being able to debug the issue I’ve left them both intact so David can see.

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just unselect “download activities” for strava

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I can do that, but it doesn’t explain why it’s detected two Activitiestoday when it only detected one yesterday

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Just did an easy “spin the legs” session on the indoor trainer. I use TrainerRoad which now integrates with Zwift. I have Intervals connected to a) Garmin b) Strava c) Zwift and d) Whoop. Seems perhaps duplication is occurring but not sure if to disconnect one of the platforms or just delete it out of the calendar?
Screen Shot 2025-03-05 at 12.39.28 pm

Thanks whomever merged my post in to this post about double entries. I am following with interest as to what do to prevent this.

I was the one who merged it.
Typically there are underlying differences in the data which caused the “duplicate” which happens every so often. Can’t really say what’s the cause so typically I (and most others) just manually delete them (I also dual record, so I have to delete it anyways)

Have to wait for @david to have time to go thru these.

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Ok, I’ll delete one of the entries in the calendar. Thanks for your reply.

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i looked at my two activities and one had just a strava source. the other had garmin and strava, so i deleted the strava only one because i wanted my correct CTL to show

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I saw that my activity had Zwift>Strava and the other had just Strava so like you deleted the Strava fed activity.

hmm… this makes me think…
Strava fed activity would be quite different from the ones from Zwift and Garmin. Notably cos Strava will stript out stuffs before forwarding it out.

Perhaps that is the cause. but, this would only be valid if this is ongoing and not a 1 off

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yes that’s exactly my point. on an ongoing basis All my activities are fed to both Strava and Garmin and both of those are connected to intervals. so what is it about this specific activity that made this happen? All the others have been identified as duplicates and not included.

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It is possible will miss the duplicates if the activities are received by at almost the same time. This should be very rare. I am planning to add a merge activities option to solve this (and more).


I get duplicate activities a lot (both on Intervals and Strava if that matters) from multiple sources (I record directly on Strava/Whoop records then sends to Strava | Strava sends both to Intervals) … annoying. I hope the team (is that just David? :grin:) can create a good ‘merge’ capability that will be able to see enough similarity in the data (surely that’ll differ - say what HR Whoop measures vs. Strava [HR strap]) to make sense and combine.

i’ve literally had it only once so far.

I’ve been creating my workouts using intervals and scheduling them on my calendar. Most of my workouts are around 40 minutes, and I usually start them after I reach a specific spot that’s empty and safe for power-based sessions.

Now, here’s the thing – when I finish the ride, I end up with two workout loads: one from the interval workout I created and scheduled, and another from the actual ride recorded by Strava. So, I end up with double the workout load, which doesn’t really seem right.

To manage this, I’ve been deleting the interval workout I created after the ride is done, but I’m wondering if there’s a better workaround or a more streamlined way to handle this. Has anyone else run into this issue and found a solution? Would love to hear how you all manage your cycling workouts

It’s even more weird :joy:
If you leave the workout in, it will be counted double today, but tomorrow it won’t…

The reason is logical:

  • You plan a workout with a certain duration/load
  • You do an activity that is longer/harder/shorter, creates a load that is significantly different from the workout
  • Those are not automatically paired because they are to different and Intervals interprets that the scheduled workout isn’t done yet, so leaves it in because you might still do it before midnight. Once after midnight, you ‘missed’ it and it no longer counts.

The solution(s):

  • Force pairing by dragging one to the other on the calendar (try both ways, don’t remember which one should be dragged)
  • Or, estimate how much time you need to get to the starting point and add that as warmup in your workout, so that duration/load are close enough to make them pair automatically.
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That was perfectly explained …Thank you :slight_smile: You saved me a lot of time
Thanks again, and I’m glad to be part of such a helpful community! :man_biking::bulb: