Disappearing notes

Well hello there !
I add a note every single day of the calendar to tell my coach when I can train and what I can do, a few weeks in advance, just as shown on the picture.
For about 2 months now, everytime he gives me the sessions for a given week, every notes of the following week disappear. So every week I have to rewrite them, and if he needs to give me 2 weeks worth of sessions, he has no idea when I’m free during that n+2 week. Can’t show a result right now, but basically the n+2 week ends up completely empty, where I still had my notes a few hours prior. Apparently this also happened to a few friends.

I’m not sure at what point this occurs, sorry I can’t give you more details than that :frowning:

Have a great day !

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Currently you have no notes in the week starting Monday 5h of August. Did you used to have notes in that week? Are you adding the notes directly to the calendar? Is your coach using an Intervals.icu training plan to plan your workouts or is he working directly on your calendar?

This will be tricky to track down.

For week 32 I deleted them, I had made recurrent notes over the summer, so I deleted the next few ones, and rewrote them individually, to try different situations, but the same happened.

  • I am adding them directly to the calendar (left click → Notes).
  • He is working directly on my calendar.
    He usually does it on Fridays, if you want I can stay online at that time in hope to see what happens.