Disagreement with distances/pace (Row)

Not sure if this is a bug or a setting on my end, but everything was looking good before today. There seems to be some disagreement with reported distances and paces for my rowing activities.

For each row activity, I’ll manually create 500m intervals.

In the image below, each interval is showing as 500m (.31mi), but the actual distance is 1200m (bottom chart). As a result the interval pace is incorrect. The activity pace and pace chart are correct, though (~2:16/500m).

This is some kind of metric/imperial measurements issue. If I load your file into my own account on my laptop it works fine. I am investigating.


I figured it out. You have a custom activity stream “Distance km” using the “distance” record field. The way these are currently implemented this makes “distance” unavailable to normal field processing. So Intervals.icu generates a distance stream from the velocity data which doesn’t work. So you need to delete that stream (not just untick the box) and do Actions → Reprocess file.

I am going to try sort this out.

Thanks for looking into this so quickly! I thought that might have had something to do with it but didn’t have a chance to tinker. No big deal if it can’t be solved. The custom stream was an attempt to display distance in km just for rowing, as all my other activities are in miles. What I was trying to do was duplicate the default distance chart (just a strip with tick marks) but in km. After fumbling around, the custom stream was the best I could do. Maybe there is another method?

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