Custom field value of 0 is shown as?

I’ve added a custom field “coffee count” to days. When I fill in 0 for the value

Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 18.56.54

and navigate to the fitness page overview, where I’ve added a graph for coffee count, the value is set to be 0 at first, but when I refresh the page it becomes ?.

Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 18.57.16

This should be 0 I think? And this is what it used to be.

I’ve noticed the same and when charted the zero values (which are important and used to be plotted) are omitted.

It would be good to have our zeros back if possible!

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Rightly so, one should never need to count the number of coffees; even the system agrees (hence the ?). :joy::joy:
Excuse my humour, please:blush:

Seriously though, as for the problem, I don’t have a solution.

I know you are joking, and I also love my coffees, but I am now tracking sleep score, sleep time and amount of coffees for three months.

On days I had coffee I drank on average three units and did mostly not drink after 13:00. On roughly half of those days I abstained from coffee. I usually start drinking again before races, because it’s legal doping, and then I need some days to wane off again. I found my sleep time on days without caffeine is on average almost one hour (!) longer and sleep score 5 points higher, than on days with caffeine.

These findings are also supported by literature, e.g. The effect of caffeine on subsequent sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis found that “Caffeine consumption reduced total sleep time by 45 min and sleep efficiency by 7%”.

Also feeling more calm and less jittery since I stopped. When I quit first I had two weeks of headaches and cold shivers. Caffeine is no joke :slight_smile:.

If you want to try to quit checkout and the book The Easy Way to Quit Caffeine by Allan Carr.

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The ? has also started to appear in zero value fields from the activity file…

And here I am thinking it’s me missing something that’s never been there.

But up until a while ago zeroes were displayed right?

Right! This is fairly recent…

This is fixed now. It was a side-effect of the binary protocol performance work. Sorry about the hassle and tx for the reports.


It’s fixed indeed. Thank you!

Thank you! This is much appreciated… :grinning: