Trying to plot a custum fitnesschart where I track my heartrate at a certain pace.
Like hr@pace 5:00 or hr@pace 4:30, so I can see my progression over time.
I get some results with a chart for “avg heartrate” and some pace filters put to specify a range, but it does not seem to work correctly. >> to few results. A single filter with “pace=” gives no results
ne1 have any tips?
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Was searching for this too and I think I’ve now figured it out:
This is the heart rate at a given pace, similar to the Power vs. HR Plot that is inbuilt for cycling. You have to create a custom chart with “Avg HR” and “Pace” for that and also create a filter for running activities:
maybe playing with the setting helps to make it more readable but it gives a nice overview already.
A box plot or something like that would be awesome for given ranges of pace (maybe 5 or 10s/km would be a good resolution) because (at least my) running HR seems to differ more between activities at the same pace/intensity than for cycling