Coros and structured workouts

Hmm. I can see the uploads stopped on the 14th and resumed on the 17th. I am not sure why that happened. I will investigate.

I found the issue and will deploy the fix Tuesday am.

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I, too, find something wrong with Coros’s implementation of Resting Heart Rate. I have asked many times how it is measured, but all the answers I have received are guesses that don’t fit with what I’ve observed. I am fairly certain that resting heart rate, as measure by Coros, is not the lowest HR measured in 24 hours.

Can confirm my COROS calendar auto updated this morning. Thanks :pray:

Thx @david

In the Coros training hub you can create workouts based on effort pace/GAP. Is this something that is available via the API and possible to integrate within


Looks like direct upload works great, but came across some issues with the new and historic swim average pace calculations, which I explained in the previous thread on that to keep it in the same discussion: Incorrect pool swim interval data - #16 by Piet_van_Vliet

Have done only one run so far since the new settings and not reanalyzed that one or the previous runs yet.

What is “effort pace/GAP”? supports building workouts on % of threshold pace. This is converted unto an actual pace range when the workout is generated for Coros.

That is Coros their new Intensity Type. It is basically pace, but take elevation into account. Just like power but then with pace (Grade Adjusted Pace)

The information that can be found Effort Pace is very ‘obscure’. @david can’t implement something that isn’t defined because the algorithm is unknown.
I’m inclined to follow DCRainmakers opinion in this blog post:

I only run for aerobic maintenance and only very rarely do efforts while running, but the Power and Effort Pace charts align very closely for those aerobic runs. So I do sort of agree that it is simply a ‘trick’ by Coros to avoid patent rules. Recalculate the Power to a flat terrain pace on individual bases.

Does it matter if the algorithm is unknown? You can say the same for power Garmin/stryd/polar/apple/coros all use their own algorithm.

Effort pace just uses the same threshold as pace and takes elevation into account. For pushing workout It does not matter

@David I have one other issue. If I remove a workout from intervals it is not removed from Coros.

It should be if it is inside the 7 day range uploaded. If it was a day before it might remain. uploads a complete 7 day plan to Coros and doesn’t have any access to workouts already there e.g. to delete old stuff.

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Is there a trick to get it to upload planned workouts? I tried checking/unchecking, deleting a planned workout and creating a new one, but it never seems to upload (and now that I’ve posted it will probably fix itself, but if I don’t post it it won’t. Shrodinger’s bugreporting)

First time up you need to drag and drop the “” training plan onto your Coros calendar after that it should update.


That was it, thanks!

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Hi, my Name is Oliver i’m completely new in
I’m too stupid and did not unterstand it correctly.
Can you please explain it a bit more in detail?
I created a Workout Plan in, how I must drag and drop to Coros, directly to Coros calendar on the Coros website isnt possible, export to .fit and import on Coros calendar isnt possible too.
Many many thanks!!

Just a shot in the dark… did you tick “upload planned workout”?

yes, all 3 options ticked

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Did you moved the plan to your intervals calendar or is it just in your library?

Hi, I have moved from library to Activities Calendar. I have done this yesterday afternoon.