Copy Custom Charts

I’m looking to have the same chart in different tabs with different filters. Is it possible to copy an existing chart and make amends so the original chart is unchanged? Many thanks!

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…as a further, related, improvement would it be possible to have the option to set filters at the Tab and Chart Levels as well as at the Plot Level?

You can now duplicate charts. So to copy a chart from one tab to another just add it to the new tab, then duplicate it. Then uncheck the original.

Look for the “Actions” drop down (replaces “Edit Axis” button which is now on the menu):


I will probably add an option to apply the filter for a plot to all plots. Easier than adding chart level filters. I am also planning to make it possible to save “filter sets” for use anywhere.


Awesome! Thanks David.

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I wish I would have had the idea to google this before createing 6 times a similar custom chart :smiley: