Convert Power to heart rate

It’s there a way to convert workouts made in power to hr ?

Add “HR” after the %, and then make sure your % of LTHR or Max is correct.

Just ignore the black coloured I converted a Power workout to HR.

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But if do that when the power its 110% will be 10% more of my hr right?

Yes, which is why I mentioned to change your HR to the correct value (% of LTHR or maxHR).

Ok thanks I understand now

You can also use the zone code, like this example, but you need to understand the difference between power and heart, as there isn’t a 1:1 relationship between power and HR; and there is the lagging nature of HR.


  • 30s Z5
  • 30s Z1

Heart Rate

  • 30s Z5
  • 30s Z1