I wonder if the Weekly Compliance To Plan could/should be tweaked.
The current Compliance to Plan is only meaningful when looking back at a full week, I think ‘the current week’ should either hide that % (as its not really valid until after the last planned workout of the week), OR measure compliance against ‘Week to Date’ rather than ‘Week’ ?
ie - as of today, I’ve been 98% and 81% in terms of adherence to what I SHOULD have done - so it feels like my ‘Compliance to Plan’ for this week is around 89%, and NOT the 31% that it suggests simply because I haven’t done the three future workouts still scheduled for this week.
I would also add that the ability to toggle between something like “Compliance All Days” vs “Compliance Planned Days” would be welcome. For example, now that we’re finally getting into good weather and enough daylight, I’ll be outside for group rides far more often than not. Some days will be indoors with a workout pulled from SYSTM. Wednesdays will consistently be indoors, with other days being weather dependent.
Right now, when I look at my compliance I’m 250% compliant to what was scheduled because I rode outside on Tuesday with no workout on the schedule, and last night with a planned workout. Today could go either way, depending on the weather, and then who knows that the weekend holds. But the point being that the compliance figure will only increase as I rode outside more.
+1 From me too.
I agree this would be a nice change to have. The plan compliance is only accurate after the week is complete in its current state. In my mind, the compliance should go from the week start to 00:00 today. Not to make it too complicated, but this could also include the workout scheduled times into the mix (if you have a 2hr workout at 0600, then at 0800 the “compliance” is triggered. Just an idea, but mostly just having the compliance not be at week’s end would be ideal IMO as well as the great suggestion from @Andy_McKay
+1 I’d also find this useful
Yep. +1 Have always thought this too.
Isn’t it supposed to be compliance to the planned week? Seems like it should be. If on a project, with deadlines to be completed. Each day, finishing one task gets me closer to the final 100%.
The daily compliance is also there already, per the OP, 98% and 81% respective for Mon and Tues.
Compliance already exists per day (activity vs workout) and per week (load, duration or distance against a target value). 98% compliance for Monday doesn’t mean that there’s 2% missing from the adaptation if it was 100%. Likewise, 81% isn’t a train-smash on it’s own, but can be if all futures sessions are also 81%.
This is why periodisation is used to build fatigue, then recover, build more fatigue, some more recovery and perhaps another week of fatigue before a week of recovery (not rest) when the body then super compensates for the work already done. This might require another mesocycle (block) before adaptations occur. It’s the sum of all these sessions that counts, and not the one in isolation.
I’m getting confused. Load plan numbers total is a bit convoluted. I know it tries to be simple but my brain is getting a hard time figuring things out.
Seems like Intervals will just ignore the plan load (if planned - but not executed) for past days from the calculation of the total load for the week.
Example week. I just created a workout that’s 100load (easy to count). So planned load for the week = 7*100=700
But on today, July 22. It shows 400Load. (Why? Cos it removed these items which has already passed. )
100 load Monday - planned but no workout.
100 load Tuesday - planned but no workout.
100 load thursday - planned but no workout.
Then for Cycling Load. It’s 325 Load
125 Load (actual workout) +
100 Load Sat (today not over yet)
100 Load Sun
= 325 Load
Compliance = 17% = 125/700
So compliance is 17% and it’s for the entire week. Ah… now it makes more sense.
My brain hurts.
Where your 100 per day as planned load shows 325 (cycle) and 75 (run), mine shows 557, made up as follows (with actuals, in brackets):
- Mon 0 (0)
- Tue 110 (125)
- Wed 60 (53)
- Thu 50 (50)
- Fri 0 (0)
- Sat 84 (79)
- Sun 250
**Total Planned: 554, 62% compliance
Actual to date: 307 + 250 planned for tomorrow = 557 (the value for the week).
Edit: The 62% compliance is against the target load of 490.