Comparing named intervals from 2 training sessions

I am wondering if it is posible to compare intervals from different session.
I’ve done the same training session a different timne and i’d like to compare the identified intervals to see my progression.
In each of those session, I named the same interval with the same name .

How can I compare them ? Is it possible ?

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You can do this on the /intervals (search) page. It won’t show you the names but you can fill in the power and/or duration and it will find similar intervals and compare. Its a little buggy (was one of the first things in and a revamp is on the todo list).

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Hi @david

I tried the intervals page , it helps but it is not optimal, since it is grabing unrelated intervals when I enter the search criteria Time=10m.

I cannot use power as search criteria since the power gap between my 2 session of the micro-burst interval are too big, greater thatn 10%

So i think a feature request will be to earch by interval name, that make comparaison and monitoring of progression way easier !. Since we can already name an interval, I think a search by interval name is a very nice feature

I include an image of the search I did to illustrate my explanation.

I am wondering about this as well. For instance, I would like to compare my rides up Alp du Zwift. How do I do that? Where do I name that section of a ride for instance?

This would be a cool feature and very helpful.

Thanks for the good work!

as @david David has already said, currently only units that correspond to the identical scheme can be compared. For example: 4m intervals at 300W. Since such units are trained again and again over weeks in a classic training, progress can be recognised very well via the tool - if there is any :wink:

Here are two examples of my 4m intervals and 30/30s sessions:

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@Swen_Zeller I totally understand what David said and that the search is limited to the units listed.
But as I illustrated, the search pick some unrelated intereval.

The interval session I did is the Zwift Hunter’s Micro burst which consist of 3 sets of 20 x (15sec at 150% FTP with 15 sec rest ) I can hardly finish the 2nd and 3rd set, and I can hardly reach the required power .

My goal is to do the same training session over time until I can do it correctly and eventually rise my power . The ability to see the progression on that HIT session is helpful and source of motivation !

BTW @Swen_Zeller nmice power output !

For key workouts and key monitoring, I still have a spreadsheet. I find interesting to monitor the NP/HR aka EF during the interval as a good clue of progress, monitoring power alone makes not a lof sense for me as a long distance triathlete

And I merely rename my workouts with the EF in the title to see evolution in a glance looking at the calendar

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You can edit the percentage ranges for the parameters. The UI doesn’t make that obvious enough. But I agree comparing named intervals would be nice.

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By rising the percentage ranges, I will grab more unrelated interevals unfortunately.

Indeed that would be a awesome feature to add in your todo list ! :slight_smile:

in addition to the requests above it could be helpful to have a “ride-type” filter on the interval search tab to distinguish between road and virtual rides. That will allow to differentiate between N x Xsec intervals found by the program on a road ride with random “rest periods” vs the same N x Xsec intervals done in a trainer session with controlled/equal rest periods in between the work intervals.

In a separate (but similar) vain such a filter could be a good addition on the compare tab, enabling the option to compare progressions, totals and other metrices between ride types - e.g. TIZ, Power/HR compared between indoor and outdoor.


I’m aware of the existing filter option in the compare chart. I meant to have “ride-type” chips at the top (as for season) so the comparison would be within each chart.

I understand what you mean on the compare page and that is now on the todo list. Not too hard to do.

The Interval search page was one of the first and needs a lot of attention!

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Any update on this @David ?

I would like to compare 3m , labelled as “SFT”, intervals over time.

This is a work around I use to see similar workouts across a season, at a glance.
I use it for testing best efforts,which wasDavid’s custom chart.

In a custom chart
Best Power - 3m, as is, dots.
In the All Activities dropdown, select “tags”, and then select your tag SFT, assuming you tag the workout. It will then display a list of workouts corresponding to that criteria.

Here’s another, for TTE and VO2.

The results is a quick glance of when these workouts were done.
Makes finding them easier, but then comparing requires opening two browsers.
I’m not looking for comparing the workout, but rather progression/improvements.
This one is TiZ (hours) for the left axis, and is partially incomplete as I haven’t (retrospectively) tagged every workout.

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Thank you Gerald. This is a first step to get some insights. :+1:

HI @Gerald

Thats awesome ! tha ks …

And where can i get David Custom chart , ?

I took David’s chart, and customised it to suit my needs. Look for “Best Power” in the custom chart finder

Here are my settings (because it’s testing, the description has the tag #test added to each workout; see workout details below), so it only shows data with the tag and duration.

Hi @Gerald ,

Thanks for all the details !

But I cannot find anywhere the search windows to find custom chart.

I went to Compare / Add Chart / Custom but cannot find the windows to search for custom chart

IS it a feature for paid users ?

It´s on the Fitness page.

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As @MedTechCD has mentioned it’s on the fitness page. As a quick into:

Fitness page charts are used to compare activities over time.

Activity page charts are for the single activity level, so your run, ride, workout.

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