Colour blindness

This message is from David Stakes:

I know this does not affect everyone, but I have alot of trouble with your multi colour graphs. Being colour blind, and only able to recognise real Primary colours, have not got a hope with any shades of either. So cannot tell any colours with shades are basically the same just look darker or lighter. Purple and Blue look the same, odd I know but thats my eyes and Brain. It may have been Measles or Chicken Pox when I was a child that destroyed my colour vision. I look at the Strava Fitness and freshness because they are black on a white background. Anyhow love your site.

you can recreate fitness chart and set colors as you like or your eyes let you see best.
used shades for form ranges but it is not that important to see and I don’t know how your eyes see those shades but you can easily edit them to your liking.
ps. I just figred out that editing need seeing colors too, if you have any problems please write jere and I can try to edit that grap for you more :wink: cheerz
if you need a black version just tell, I can edit and try to add it to the charts online album

hope it help at least a bit

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I did change all the colours to a “colour blind friendly” palette (supposedly) some time ago. Your best bet is to create a custom chart as @Lukasz_Pludowski has suggested. You can also change the thickness of the lines.

The one place I still occasionally have trouble is the /compare page. It depends what the starting colour for a given plot is, or how many different time ranges I am comparing.