Coasting/Stopped Time

There’s some stuff that’s close to this already in, but I was wondering if something could be added to the power page indicating time spent truly coasting and truly stopped (cadence = 0 but non-zero speed vs. cadence and speed = 0). This would be helpful for analyzing long duration events and quickly evaluating how much time I burned while stopped for resupply/restroom/etc. as well as looking at training rides and discerning how much of that “Zone 1” time I spent light pedaling vs. actually coasting down a hill.

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It would be a nice extra metric. Not sure how hard it is to implement. Average and normalized power are already based on moving time and to some extend I guess NP accounts for coasting. The registration sure holds the data, but it’s not added up anywhere…

Xert doesn’t take anything like that into consideration - average power is just calculated over time elapsed, including coasting and breaks. It considers all 0 power to be ‘rest’…

Thats a good idea and it is easy to implement. “Add coasting time and stopped time to activity and interval fields” just got added to the todo list.


I second this. Trainer Road has this in their ride analysis.
Thank you.


Yes, would love to see this, maybe a “Zone 0” that counts 0 W (or even 0-25 W).

+1 for this. I have added a zone 0 in Golden Cheetah, 0 - 10W, but that 10W is pretty arbitrary. Living in a hilly area it always surprises me had long is spent coasting.

Yes this one is easy, will get done soon. I hadn’t thought of treating it as a zone though, that would be harder than just a “coasting time” stat on an activity.

Fair, whatever works. Would be great to see a total of it available on the Totals page as well

Coasting time just got done.

“This is time spent moving at 1 km/h or more while producing 10w or less of power.”

I might extend it to look at cadence if power isn’t available.

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Awesome! Love this metric. I have a related question:

When you look at the power by zones chart for an activity is this coasting time (0W) included in the Z1 range or does this chart only look at time when power is being produced?

Tx. The “time in zones” are calculated from a 5s moving average of the power data. Zero power time is included in Z1 if there is no “moving” stream or the “moving” stream indicates movement.

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Will this be added to the mobile site in due course? I have refreshed the all a couple of times and can’t see it so far.

Ah that was an oversight. It’s there now above average speed. Tx.

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