Coached athletes activity notification

Is it possibile to implement a notification alert when a coached athlet upload one (or more) activity?

I have that on the todo list. I plan to add a “feed” of those sort of notifications.

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I’ve been using for coaching for a while now, and its been really great! Thank you so much for this awesome software.
But I have to second Nicola here, it would be great to get a email notification about new activity from coached athletes. I would like to respond to the activity on the same day its uploaded, if the training plan needs adjustments or whatever.

Thanks. The “feed” did get done (the activities tab on the /athletes page).

I have added email notifications for when someone you coach uploads a new activity and a separate one for when someone you follow uploads a new activity. These can be enabled on the /athletes page and in the “Email Notifications” section of the /settings page: